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Dec. 24, 2020, 12:49 p.m. Likes: 0

It is a game for kids who start to learn summation in math, which is generally aged between 7 and 8.

The goal is that while they are playing the game, they learn math. 

This project is CET 215 Homework.  

More Info: 

Project Owner: Ali Eren KAYHAN

Project Members: Ali Eren KAYHAN

Sponsors: There is no sponsor.

Business need: Some students who learn math operation can't be interested in math operation. Therefore, this educational game is for them to attract their attention to learn math operations. 

Business requirements: Making enjoyable the learning process.

Business value: Pupils start to incline to learn more.

Technical feasibility:

  1. The functional area (Familiarity): Low risk
  2. Technology: App Inventor

Organizational feasibility :

  1. Are there any educational games that are similar to this or can be an opponent? Yes, moderate risk.
  2. Do the users need this project and use it? Yes, definitely. Especially, students who start to learn summation in math. 
  3. Overall: There is a moderate risk because generally the educational game will similar trend educational games, therefore, the potential users can use it without any difficulties. However, there are educational games that are similar to this and be an opponent.


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This project is CET 215 Homework.

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