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Nov. 16, 2018, 6:07 p.m. Likes: 2

This application is designed as a tutorial for projects which need to handle maps and structured geographic data shared by mobile users. The scenario is a pizza company in Paris which has to manage orders and deliveries at customers' locations (within 10 km => changed to 15 000 to allow test). ========== The app uses mapping capabilities available with fusion tables. 3 fusion tables are defined : customers, orders and a merge (or join) of the 2 on customer's name. We need the merged table so that orders will inherit cutomer's location. Maps enable to display where orders should be delivered. Buttons enable to create new customers, new orders, or update their delivery status from "ordered" to "on delivery" then "delivered". Pizza orders will...  More

Credit: Starting point is Pizza Party tutorial at :
More Info: coming up at ===== apk link at same location

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