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July 30, 2021, 6:35 a.m. Likes: 0
After Disha incident happened in Hyderabad a thought came why she hasn't called police at that time when she is being followed before everything happened.
Even she knew the helpline number of police she didn't used it or sent any distress signal, a lot of people don't have knowledge of these important helpline no's.<br />Example: Fire , Children , Covid helpline etc.
So this app helps us to have collective info of helpline numbers where we can use in instance.
Just click on Fire control and you can call it.
if we want covid info help also we can use the covid counselling number to get info. which is very important during these days and most people don't know about it.
The important ...
My Computer sir Sam informed me about this MIT Appathon and I asked him for help we discussed on some ideas and i selected to make an app that helps to create awareness during these days as it is important for everyone. i knew scratch and pictoblox and don't this app Mit app inventor my sir guided me how to use this.
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