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July 31, 2023, 3:41 a.m. Likes: 0

EmpathY allows people to connect using shared feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Both you and the person you connect with can engage and share as equals. You don't have to compare yourself to another person because both of you have said or thought the same exact thing. Discussing a similar feeling or thought allows you to share without feeling like you are being too vulnerable or weak because you know the other person is going through the same thing. If you are having a wonderful day, you don't have to feel like you are bragging or self absorbed. You can congratulate and be happy for each other because both of you are in the same headspace.


Background Information on Social Media Help: /resources/marketing-for-small-business/social-media-tools/social-media-statistics-details/

Background Information on Social Media Help: ens-and-social-media-use/art-20474437

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Messages don't actually send at the moment, but is simulated for the user to experience. 

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